♫ Episode #14 – Audiophile Utility Poles and Other News
Episode 15 · August 19th, 2016 · 28 mins 11 secs
About this Episode
Doug and Kirk take a look at recent news in the music and audio world. From audiophile utility poles to iTunes news, from record stores to car radios, this news and views episode keeps you up to date on what matters in music listening. And Kirk gives an update on his first Pearl Jam listening experience.
“For $10,000 there better be a powerful placebo effect.”
Show notes:
- Pearl Jam: Ten
- A Gift for Music Lovers Who Have It All: A Personal Utility Pole
- Records’ rebirth fueled by older music obsessives, not young hipsters
- Ch-Ch-Changes in the Physical Music Retail Landscape
- A Couple of Work and Movement Scripts
- iTunes Gets a Splash of Color
- iTunes 12.5 and iOS 10 Music App to Add Lyrics to Song Playback
- Ultravox: The Island Years
- Wim Martens: a man of no fortune and with a name to come
- Talking Heads: Fear of Music
- Hugo Ball
- Honda Civic 2016: A case study of the disappearing radio
Our next tracks:
- Doug: ZZ Top: Rhythmeen
- Kirk: Grateful Dead: Dave’s Picks Volume 19: Honolulu Civic Auditorium, HI, 1/23/70
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